The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   02/20/2023

How to Leverage GIS Data

by Sara Lacey, David Taylor, James Parker

Web-based geographic information system software enables utilities to manage aspects of their assets in a contextual, visual and map-based database.

Web-based geographic information systems are powerful tools, offering vital information for asset management and new capital projects. Today, utilities can access these data-rich resources for specific and evolving needs. Utilities of all sizes can benefit from purchasing rapid turnaround mapping solutions that provide exactly the data interpretation and analysis they need, for exactly the amount of time they need it.

Many consultants now build and host geographic information system (GIS) applications in a secure cloud environment for users such as utilities and municipalities. These agencies and organizations can access the geospatial and technology expertise they need to manage data and dashboards without the burden of system ownership, which saves time and money and keeps staff focused on operations. These web-based solutions can aid in documenting inspections, tracking maintenance schedules, managing outages and emergency response activities, and overseeing improvement and expansion projects.

Bring Your Own Data

Utilities own and manage a broad array of horizontal and vertical assets that require the documentation and tracking of large amounts of data, including asset type, location, size and age as well as important details about maintenance schedules and life-cycle status.

 Read full story at T&D World